At Daycon Distributors, we are specialist barcode label suppliers and manufacturers in Australia producing quality barcode labels which always scan correctly. Our expertise is based on over 30 years’ experience in manufacturing customised labels, including a wide range of barcode labels used to accurately track stock and valuable assets, from office furniture to food products.
What is a Barcode?
Barcodes facilitate improved productivity and accuracy at a relatively low cost compared to human data entry on a keyboard. They are a simple, convenient way to register and track items. A barcode is made up of a combination of letters and numbers represented by bars of varying width. The barcode is connected to a database, so that when it is scanned, information can be accessed about the particular item, product or other stored data. A barcode scanner reads the width of the bars and the spaces in a barcode to reveal the data embedded in that barcode.
Did you know? You can apply for a Company Barcode Number at: